~ five

Candles lit and circle carved in the desk around the telephone, they gather around the co-star, ringing on the other end ... waiting ... it picks up.

Co-star - "Um.  Mr Chule ?"

Chule - " - mumble mumble - mumble mumble mumble - (muffled) O hai ! - mumble mumble - Vroom Vroom ! - mumble mumble mumble - Mua-ha-ha ... mumble mumble - ."  (gunshot sound)

Co-star - "O my God really !?"

Chule - "Yah ! - mumble mumble."

Co-star - "Holy shit that's amazing.  So hey.  I was hoping you could do me ... us ... a favor ... ?"


Chule - " - mumble mumble - "

Co-star - "Yeah well he's dead in a bathtub now."

Chule - " - mumble mumble - mumble mumble - "

Co-star - "Last we heard about that guy he was still having those nightmares ... a lot ... he may be insane now, nobody actually knows."

Chule - " - mumble ... mum ... ble ... - "

Co-star - "Cannibals got him."

Chule - " - he-he-he ... mumble - "

Co-star - "Think he had a heart attack."

Chule - " - mumble mumble ? - "

Co-star - "Yeah like just the other other day."


Chule - " - mum - "

Co-star - "Totally.  So.  Now that the production's completely trashed from all that I kind of feel like you owe us something."

They all look at her, she looks back to shut up.

Co-star - "I mean those guys ?  Fuck those guys.  Played the game and got dealt."

Chule - " - mumble - "

Co-star - "But we didn't have anything to do with that."  Clears her throat ... " 'On my honor'."

Chule - " - Grumble ... - "

Co-star - Looks at the actor, "And the lead's a good man.  I vouch for him."


Chule - " - mum - "

Co-star - Hangs up, looks around to the waiting.  "He'll do it."

Actor - "Really ?"

Costar - "For your Corvette."

Actor - "God damn it."

They pack up the scene canisters while somewhere else a man loads a typewriter, rolling it in.  Big headphones on, he types as though he were slapping all the keys bopping his head side to side, seen only from behind, with a window showing the woods.

The actor watches his Corvette get loaded on a hauler with a tear in his eye, the co-star walks up and takes his hand.

Actor - "It had the all the little dash lights ... "

     ~ Chule slaps the keys while the canisters are delivered.

Co-star - "I know it had the dash lights.  They were cool."  Looks at him, "Thank you."

     ~ Slaps the lever while the shows credits are on a home screen to the side.

Actor - Watches the truck pull away ... looks at her.  "Anything."

Elsewhere the director shakes the last powder from a bag ... throws it down, the co-star at her birthday party, arms crossed in her dumb little hat looking very disappointed ...

     ~ Keys get slapped while a Corvette's seen burning through the window. 

The script is delivered with the canisters back, some Polaroids of a burning Corvette dropped on top.

Actor - Picks one up ... "He's just so ... mean."

Co-star - "You two actually have a lot in common."

He looks suspiciously to the side at her.

And they're in costume, that air of nervousness in the back of a van the actor holds up the dog, looking into its eyes.

Actor - "Does he even have a real name ?"

Co-star - "It's Aloysius P. Doghounder.  He's ... honestly got more training as an actor than both of us combined."

Actor - "Dr dog ... what the hell are we doing ?"

Co-star - "What we can."

Actor - "I ... never want to dress like this again.  Fucked up thing is, I probably will.  These movies now are just ... how could I feel so young and so old ?"

Co-star - Vaguely singing, "Pew, pew, pew, with the lasers ... "

The actor looks at him, she looks back.

Co-star - "Vroom, vroom, vroom, with the cars ... "

He smiles with a hand on her cheek.

Co-star - "Zoom, zoom, zoom, with our capes on ... "  Leans in for a kiss, "From the moment I saw him I fell ... (kiss) I'm having a great time.  You ready ?"

Actor - Literally broken in love right now ... he looks at the dog, the dog looks back.  "Are you ready, Aloysius P ... "

Co-star - "Doghounder."

Actor - Looks at the dog, "The most terrifying stunt I've ever done ... "  To her, "We.  Meaning Aloysius P. Doghounder and I ... are ready."

The van doors swing open, they go out into the world hanging movie posters in their costumes wile walking the dog.  To a slowly recognizing crowd, one to the phone booth and then the press, a big thing of it happens.

People start noticing them holding hands and whisper to the side ... they kiss and hold up the held hands and the crowd goes wild.

They talk to the people and laugh, sign autographs and posters, the people take arm fulls and hang more.  In the park he cooks a barbecue while she serves up plates, still in costume.

Actor - Turning over a brat with the fork, "Well.  I can't give anything away ... "  Drops it on a bun on plate, "But I can guarantee you will be surprised."

She passes it to the news human.

Newshuman - "Not much surprising these days on screen, we're more interested in you two.  Is it real or is it another ... "

Co-star - "It's real.  Want some mustard with that ?"

Newshuman - Smiles, "Understood.  With relish."  Adds some, she takes a bite.  Mouth full, "So.  There are really just so many things like this these days ... how do you expect to draw an already tired audience ?"

Actor - "Oh.  No ... there are no others like this.  You'll know when you know."

Newshuman - "I see ... and the ... ghostwriter ?  We've heard rumors."

Actor - Smiles ... "The rumors are true."

Her eyes go wide, she writes it down.

Director - As the set prepares, the crew to and fro, the actor walks by.  Looking at the script, "Holy shit."

Actor - "What."

Direct - "He ... he left the final scene as is !"  Excited, "He didn't change a fucking thing !  It just says 'use original' and he fucking cut it out and taped it !"  Beaming smile ...

Actor - "Is this a good thing ?"

Director - Looks at him with frozen wide smile, "I wrote that scene."  A giddy giggle, "We needed something fast so ... I just threw it down at the club !"

Actor - "Was Louise dancing ?"

Co-star - Walking by for the set, "God I miss Louise."

Director - "Yeah !  Miss Louise !"  A laugh he turns to the set prepared, "Action !"

~ Into the club and through the crowd, where the director sits in the club, pad on the table, looking up to Louise wide eyed and back down to the page scrawling as though he were sketching her fast.

(directly into the next scene)