~ six

~ As the director 'sketches' Louise ~

The actor drives hard into the night, Dog Soldier leaps from the window and speeds ahead.  Meanwhile ~

The costar is surrounded by minions in the arena, the arena surrounded by more.  The all take off their masks revealing themselves all to be Doctor Zhivago.  Some scarred and some no, one could assume these were all accumulated through time and not clones or parallels.

     ~ The producer watches a man turn on the spit in front of him at the table of well dressed cannibals awaiting, chefs gathering behind him sharpening their knives ... he breaks into tears.

Zhivago - In the arena before the co-star, minions joining,  "And now ... it is the end."  He puts on a boney necklace, "For we all can now share the power, of the Serenity Bone."

     ~ The director looks up at her on the table in awe he whispers, 'serenity bone' ... looks down and writes fast.

Lightning spreads between them all, spreading from those close to throughout the crowd, they all go mad with their power until Zhivago Prime swings at the costar.

Caught with a confidence that fades when Zhivago starts pushing through with a wicked grin.  She puts up the other hand to hold the fist back, feet beginning to slide back, when the mob of him tackles her.

     ~ They rush through the traffic on their way, the director gawks, Louise smiles into a turn with a wink.

They pile on the co-star as she swings back and throws them off, spinning kicks take waves, she leaps flying through a row when another pile knocks her down then more vaguely absurd punching and kicking.

Co-star - Throws them off and stands enraged, notices the dab of blood on her cheek, looks the distance to Zhivago Prime, "You absolute.  Fucking.  Slut."

     ~ Louise's knees on the table, her face in his lap, he writes with the pad on her back.  The chef's close in on the Producer who is completely melting down at this point.

The car blows through the wall and skids to a stop through a crowd of evil ... he gets out to a quiet set with the normal crew and just one Hansel when the police file in around him.

Hansel - "What.  What.  Is happening."  Getting put into cuffs, "What ?  What are the charges !?"

Cop - "Uh.  Eating people.  I mean there's other stuff ... a lot ... but you know.  Damn."

Give a look to the other cop, the other cop makes scary finger fangs, responding "Oh no !"

They laugh ...

Actor - Voiced over as the take him away, the crew not knowing what to do.  "I'm an actor.  Playing a role."

     ~ The Producer shakes hands laughing with the actors playing the noble cannibals and chefs, all congratulating each other after the scene. 

The actor and co-star take each other's hands and into each other's eyes.

Actor - "You're in."

Basic credits first while people exit the businesses on the 70's strip, families driving in from all over and lining the street, then at 0:57 ~

A parade with balloons of the characters (except Chule) through their credits, including if not especially the intern (the first balloon) and the producer in their little suits and whatever the hell a director looks like, with the actual crew on the floats waving.

Mixed with ID shots being taken of the women in black suits for an agency called 'The S.I.N.' (still named things like 'The Intern', The Model', 'Newshuman' and 'Louise'), each up with a middle finger.

Chorus ~

The Actor and Co-star holding hands in synchronized tap dancing side by side looking annoyed (only their feet moving) while evil minions shoot at their feet, actor with a long stem rose in his teeth.

The intern hands him the dog, then more balloons ! 

Next chorus ~

Still dancing with minions shooting at a talk show in front of the couch, then at the premier as the cameras' flashes like the bullets flying, never changing the looks on their faces (it'll be a direct splice).

The intern puts on his space helmet.  After the final balloons, they dance on the last float of the parade.

~ mid-credit after the last Balloon ~

Newshuman - In the interview with the actor, "You're work has been compared to Shakespeare.  How do you feel about that ?"

Actor - A blushing smile down and to the side, "Well.  I've always been more of a Marlowe man myself."

Newshuman - Straightens and crosses her legs, "Oh !"

Last credit ~ 'Written by Alan Smithee'