Killer's Take and the Vainglorious Fire

Newshuman - On the interview stage, "You know there's rumors around.  Of you with the nanny."

Actor - Smiles.  "Well."

The actor and co-star lay in bed with a woman dressed as a nanny in between them.

Nanny - "Oh he's such a good boy, it's been no trouble at all."

Actor - "I'd say they're making some fairly broad assumptions."

Newshuman - In bed between them, "And what about you ?  It never bothers you ?"

Co-star - "Well.  How the hell else am I supposed bang chicks ?"

~ Killer's Take and the Vainglorious Fire ~

Face on shot of Dog Soldier runs happy though the park, then behind him seen the actor and co-star in costume with their new superhero team in a line having fun and laughing.

They pick up the park trash with a bunch of kids, all playing around as they do.  Shots of the recast Doctor Zhivago and his absurdist plans made to show 'he's still pretty much the same guy'.

Action shots of the team for the credits  (1:15) ~

The Actor ~ Smiles flipping a burger.

The Co-Star ~ Hip sway with a plate of food.

Soldier Story ~ He's ... a soldier.  Dog Soldier leaps into his arms, he Grins tossing a grenade over his soldier into a pile of evil minions 2.0.

Franken-Tom ~ His arm falls off and they all laugh with him.

Agent Immortal - He's really fucking old.  He waves his hand and butterflies appear, the children astound.  Then the butterflies are all struck by lightning.

The music stops ... the children horrified ... the heroes look at him.  "Agent Immortal ... "

Agent Immortal - "He-he-he ... "

He doters off, they shake their heads endeared.  The music continues, the children chase after Dog Soldier running away with Frankentom's arm.

~ and introducing ~

Space Lady ~ Poses with her ray-gun in front of her parked UFO, which blasts off in a field of color into the next scene's cut to lights.

To the crew party for the rest of the credits (last being 'Written by Alan Smithee), some unseen guy in the corner table shadows with his people, a bottle of gin and a honey bear. 

His hand with a glass in it, it moves for a drink taken and is slammed back to the table upside down and empty.  The screen burns away.

An enemy soldier smacks Soldier Story across the jaw hard.  The Story looks up at him and spits blood.

Soldier - Chained to the wall in a chamber of torture, "You want names ?  I'll give you names."

Enemy - Hits him solid in the gut.  "Give them faster than that."

Soldier - Looks up, "Michael Martinez.  Father of three, husband to a good woman.  The kind who actually waited.  Three tours, three fronts.

"Always came home proud."  Cracks his neck.

"He was the spotter on a long range to a Ranger when it happened."  Looks down.  "Vincent Masaretti.  Hell of a runner."  A laugh, "Liked comic books.  'Cartoons'."  Closes his eyes and breaths ... "

"He was only nineteen when it happened.  Rushed the bunker.  Popped his grenade.  Saved us all."

Enemy - "And this ... this is what gave them their ... 'super-powers' ?"

Soldier - Looks at him a second, focusing.  "Yeah.  Something like that.  They were worthy.  Johnathan Mathews.  My God Johnny Mathews ... "  Tears start to stream, "Pulled the gun right off the jeep and used it right." 

He smiles from another world, "Screaming mad."  He laughs the pain, "He was ... he was ... "  He looks down, "He was my friend.  and that was it !" 

Enemy - "So they are all soldiers ... Yes ... yes and what of the women ?"

Soldier - Looks away, face smacked back to front.  "Vicky Johanesson.  The enemy ... ambushed the medical tent.  Or they tried to.  Held them off just long enough.  The wounded survived.  At least until surgery

"She was ... she fought hard.  Against everything and everyone because she had to."

Enemy - "And what of this ... alien female ... tell me about her."

Soldier - Looks up at the enemy, these soldiers he described standing behind him as his own guards fall dead.  " 'Aliens'.  I don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

A wisp of a ghost and the enemy joins them.  Another and the Soldier's chains fall.  They look at him, he looks back and gives them a nod, before they walk through the wall as though it were a bountiful field, until gone into the stone.

~ The door kicks in.

Soldier Story - Sitting on a box meant for a hanged man's last step and holding a torture tool like a cork screw.  He holds it up examining it, "You know they were gonna use this thing on me ?"

Dog Soldier runs a happy circle around him and jumps in his lap.

Actor - Looks at the bodies, "I see you had it covered.  Never doubted."

Soldier - Petty the happy dog, "We did, but thanks for stopping by.  Always good to see an old friend about to ask me for something.  How bad ?"

Actor - "It's bad."

Soldier - "Let me guess.  The 'Doctor' again ?"

Actor - "Something worse than Zhivago."

Soldier - "There is nothing worse than Doctor Zhivago."

Actor - Holds out a hand to help him up, "We'll see."

The soldier takes the hand.

Director - "And cut !  And my God.  That was the good shit.  Where the fuck is my wife.  Louise !?"

Actor - To the soldier actor as the 'bad guys' all get up.  That was the good shit, I was really glad when you decided to come on board.  And we've got the good shit, in the trailer."

Soldier - "What kind of good shit ?"

Actor - "All kinds."

~ the party lights in the trailer ~

Soldier (the actor) - Passes back, "I don't know.  I mean ... I can finish the season but ... "

Actor - "Oho ... look at Mr 'A-List' ... "

Co-star - "Mm-hm.  He's gonna be the next Dame's Bondage."

Soldier - Coughs out the smoke, "How the hell do you know that ?"

     ~ Newshuman - In the dim lights, "oh my god"  The sound of a cracked whip.

Soldier - "Huh.  Well that doesn't negate this.  It's just ... you know.  The agent warns me, once you get caught up in this kind of gig, it'll be all you ever do."

Actor - "Fucking tell me about."

Co-star - "You know we sign on to this indie flick after the first season right ?  So this fucking producer looks at us.  Looks at the script, looks at us.  Looks at the script, looks at us.  And you know what he fucking said ?"

Actor - "Needs a fucking dog."

Soldier burst out laughing.

Actor - "Next thing we know we're in a fucking space ship again.  We're shooting the fucking lasers.  Fucking space dog.  And then you know what the fuck he says to me ... "

Soldier - "Wait.  You're talking about The Vainglorious Fire".  Looking near offended, "That was a great movie."

The actor stares at him, he stares back, they look like they might even fight.  The co-star grins looking between them eating popcorn ...

They burst out laughing.

Soldier - "The worst movie ever made !  I am sorry.  I am so so sorry for your suffering but it sucked, the complete ass."

Co-star - "I know !  Fucking space lobsters !"

They laugh ...

Actor - "So why did you take this gig ?"

Co-star - "We were contractually ensnared, but it is a lot of fun."

Soldier - "It really is.  It may be career suicide but it's kinda nice to get weird once in a while.  Truthfully though, I agreed because it's a great fucking character.  You know I served ... and I gotta say I feel this one.  My agent fucking hates me."