~ two

The completed sphere is a bit like a puzzle box, each key giving access to a realm according to what's on the surface.  He cycles through in his hand ...

pa-Drek - "Naamah."

Naamah - Standing on a fast growing pile of relics, sorting through and wearing a new set of truly fine golden armor, "What have you got ?"

pa-Drek - Still sifting through configurations, "Well there's so far only two hidden worlds I can find ... one is entirely ... water !  I looked ... and water."

Naamah - "Fish ?"

pa-Drek - "I think there may once have been a lot of things, but not anymore.  And completely untagged.  But this one is called 'First Realm'.  It's locked away from the rest.  These others intertwine but this one ... it's just closed.  Locked."

Naamah - Takes the key, and looks into it notably trusted (which doesn't change).  "It reaches the core."

pa-Drek - "I think it was created to connect them all."

Naamah - "Yaldabaoth would only close something like that if for some reason it were a threat to his power."

pa-Drek - "Something he couldn't control."

Naamah - "Have you taken a look ?"

pa-Drek - "Next solid meditation.  I want to be ready for anything.  I'll be going alone."

Naamah - "But I have this armor.  I ... found the matching sword."

Her voice echoed over, "I will follow you anywhere, and if you push me away, I will be your nemesis."  As they enter what we call now call Sanctuary ...

An endless field on the verge of desert.  There were no mountains, no water or trees, it was neither island nor paradise.  Just a forever field of dying grains, no apparent animal or bird life at all.

Until after their long wandering they reach a small yurt like structure, an old man waiting.

nameless - "Who the hell are you ?"

pa-Drek - "A mercenary.  God killer.  This realm was locked away by the false god, Yaldabaoth.  I'm assuming he was no friend of yours.  He's dead.  Who are you ?"

nameless - Looks up and around ... "It was you ?  You killed him ?"

pa-Drek - "Yes.  In unison with the Devil to keep the balance, and to avoid the vacuum created by one existing without the other, being filled by another."

nameless - A smile ... looks between him and Naamah ... "Mercenary.  Who had the guts to call it ?  Who hired you ?"

pa-Drek - "The Goddess."

nameless - "Ah."  Laughs ... "Well it's your world now, isn't it kid."  He turns and walks away before fading in laughter.

Naamah - "So what now ?"

pa-Drek - "I think this place needs the Goddess."

Goddess - "I can seed it.  But I can't shape it.  Nobody can ... "  Looks away casually ...

pa-Drek - Mildly annoyed by having been so challenged.  

Raises his hand and with it a mountain-line surrounding them.  He clicks off the water-world from the key and washes a river through, dividing around them and into a far lake.

pa-Drek - Looks to the Goddess, "Needs life."

She smiles as the woods begin to grow, the Sanctuary we know forming as he sculpts and she grows, ending in the high tree with roots sprawled over the waterfalls.

Marketplace Demon - With pa-Drek in the center, outside the yurt with Lilith, Naamah and the Goddess.  "Where is your castle ?"

pa-Drek - "I'm keeping the yurt.  We were thinking about things for greeting people who are accustomed to that kind of thing though."

Demon - "And.  We may live here ?"

pa-Drek - "As long as your warriors help me defend it."

Demon - Looks around ... "My name is Auros.  And we will agree to this on one condition.  One law.  No cages."

pa-Drek - ... smiles.  "And of course, practically every single god, faction and council thought that since 'I just found it', I had no particular right to it."

Some guy - In a coffee shop sipping with him, "That's insane."

pa-Drek - "I know how you mean that but it was, from my perspective as well."

Some god -  Outside the gate constructed in a gap in the mountain ring, opposite the falls.  "For I am Shiva !  The Warrior of light.  My armies march proud ... and it could only be I who would rule, First Realm.  For I am the First God !"

pa-Drek looks at Naamah and Naamah next to him atop the door's high walkway, Shiva blustering in the distance "The one ... True God ... "

pa-Drek lands on him blade first, killing the worm, the gates crash open to the army's charge, combined of Auros', Naamah's and Lilith's, among them others unknown.

To the firedances amid the battle, pa-Drek has no 'fantastical form', looking the same in either or any world.  They slaughter the armies, their own growing in time through the montage of war with the gods and firedancing.

"And then I knew what everyone else did.  What it was they all wanted and feared.  The absolute power this place imbues its keeper. 

"To answer that question so many have of how I can do these things.  How it is I can fight the world."  The army picking through the remains after the battle, he picks up a sword to examine it.  Smiles.

"Looting rights."  Spun and sheathed.