The Last Finale

seven years ago

"If I have to fight the world I will.  And I will win."


Voiced over ~ "And so while watching my enemies burn, if even the world with them, I decided to write one more for the world, before my next evolution.

"Because who knows what I will be ? 

"Of course I have no idea what it's to be about ... never do ... but no matter what it is, knowing no competition but my own prior work, what's left to call a thing except ... ?"

~ The Last Finale ~

"Ah.  Here we go.  The only question left unanswered, at least the only ones left to care about it.  That would start in 2006 then."

pa-Drek walks Legba's marketplace.  A human male among every other thing, though still lots of the same, and still, set in time.  
A roughly shaven mohawk of long hair without the gel and travel duster, side-bag under the coat with spine bones running up the strap.  A light travel pack and a tattoo over his right eye, the one we know.  
This is my story, and that was a thing they used to call me.  Accurate description at the time, 2006.  The question being, 'How can I do these things'.  It began in the marketplace.

Sellers of all kinds, the kinds who deal in that which they would.  Collectible souls would be a demon's trade, and as a hunter, pa-Drek would acquire many along the way, hard pacted by blood sacrifice, where possession outlasts the body's day.

Frozen in time as nothingness, a jewel.  Collectible.  Especially when they were famous, if only you knew, the souls I knew.  But they collected other things too.

Market Demon - "They say you collect keys."

pa-Drek - "Not so broadly."  Walks over suspiciously, "What have you got ?"

Demon - Smiles, "The master key ... "

pa-Drek - "And how much of it do you have ?"

The demon shows a partially filled sphere, hexagonal shapes extending from a core.  Clearly a form intended to be complete, the geometric shards randomly placed across.

pa-Drek - "How did you fill this much ... ?"

Demon - Looks him over, puts it away.  "You killed the keeper of the hell I served.  It released me.  I don't know that it ever even occurred to me that I was just as damned as any poor human soul there."

"Though when you get to know them you do feel a bit less sorry for them.  It was ... life.  It's what we do."

pa-Drek - "So this was in the ripe bastard district."

Demon - A laugh, "Pretty much.  There were nicer places.  And then you came ... "

pa-Drek - "Which one was he ?"

Demon - Looks at him, smiles.  "Information ... "  Laughs.  "And then you killed my god.  All the dead people were vacated, and ... apparently we were annexed into a substructure of ... some other place."

pa-Drek - "That's actually a bit to do with the key."

Demon - "So I figured.  You're building a world."

pa-Drek - "Restoring one.  In theory."

Demon - "Yes ... that theory being to network them all through one.  Which you will control."

pa-Drek - "It's a really cool theory.  So do you collect souls or ... "

Demon - "Hmmm ... my people, you know.  Your demonologists would call us 'lesser demons'.  Not rulers of any hell, but their ... 'servants'.  We appreciate your works."

pa-Drek - "How did I not find this one when I looted his realm ... "

Demon - "Well ... "  Smiles ... 

pa-Drek - "A home for your people."

Demon - "Your word."

pa-Drek - "On my honor."

The demon sizes him up a bit more, hands it over.  Pulls it back fast.

Demon - "I mean.  Not in the caves with the burning."

pa-Drek - "I assumed."

The greater of the two keys absorbs the one with fewer node and fills in, not so many left.

Demon - "It will open all the worlds.  Is there one you seek ?"

pa-Drek - "No.  But I do think there's one to find."  Closes his hand, dissipating the key.  Nods to the demon and turns away, "Thank you.  I will remember this."

As he turns away to a worldly fire-dance with drummers, an underground event.  Cars pulled up, lots of people for a secret party from gangs to rich to homeless, can filled carts making the snare.

Hippies with the serious local percussionists, the whole range of quality, firedancers from the local clubs, with variable troupes that pass through.

Leather guaranteed.

pa-Drek uses a weighted torch as a sword, spinning through broad swings to venomous strikes through imaginary hearts.  
Great way to practice the sword across range, not nearly as impressive as the giant guy breathing fire from a bottle in one hand while cracking a twenty foot burning whip in the other.

Out on that bad motherfucker.  Whip sound.

Sitting in a park designed like an amphitheater, staring at the center.  pa-Drek eats a sandwich while some guy talks about his love life.

Some guy - Eating food, a yuppie on his lunch break, "So it's like I do love her ... but I really do hate being around her.  Know what I mean ?"

pa-Drek - Gives him a look.  "Naamah."

Naamah - Appearing as the world becomes her portion of a cave she herself does enjoy.  "We are close.  But you know.  You know.  That no matter how many you worlds you collect, to complete the key, you need to kill God.  Because you know what I do.  And who else would have the last piece, but Yaldabaoth."

pa-Drek - Talking to the man in the park, "I do.  You know.  We tell ourselves a lot of things about love.  We like the idea of it.  Relaxing into it at home.  And if you cannot relax at home with it, it is not love.

"Maybe it's good sex.  Maybe it's bad sex.  Which is better than no sex.  But who cares.  What you're telling me says you know it will not last.  You can make that easy, or you can make it hard.  But telling yourself that it is what it isn't, isn't going to make it what it's not."

Some guy - "Damn that's harsh.  That's why I like you ( i get that a lot).  What the fuck are you doing in this park every day."

pa-Drek - "This park is at the crossroads of this entire city, its entire nexus runs through here.  People bumping into each other.  I'm studying the sociological effects on chaos theory based on that premise."

Some guy - "So you're saying like ... how these random events reverberate across the universe ?"

pa-Drek - "Yes !"

Some guy - "Oh yeah I smoke pot too.  Wanna go do that ?"

pa-Drek - "Let's go do that."

Walking through another park doing when people start shouting "Six-Up !"  Everyone stashes their pipes and joints while the police circle.

pa-Drek - "And not just that, but learning ways to influence it.  But I've seen that the worst thing you can do, is sit in the direct center.  I've seen it.  Hippies come though, and it forces people to regard them. 

"Like they sense the power in being at the center of things, drawn.  I watch them go mad.  Every time."

Some guy - "Wow.  That actually makes sense."

pa-Drek - "Kinda !  It's also very rude.  Just to plant yourself there and make everyone walk around you.  Very vain.  So I study every minute detail of the passing, to understand the patterns."

Some guy - Looks around, cop gone.  Pipe out, "Think it's predictable ?"

pa-Drek - "I don't know yet.  Maybe.  But definitely easier if you influence it yourself, while sitting there yourself, is a bad idea."

Yaldabaoth - In Heaven on God's throne, the gathering angels behind.  "Well I guess that's it then."

pa-Drek - As if still talking to the guy in the park, "Yep.  That's the end game.  To learn to identify the patterns, how to influence them without being at the center, and then apply that knowledge it to greater patterns."

Yaldabaoth - "You would betray God, after all these gifts given.  For whatever reason you would tell yourself, you would only be the servant of the Devil."

pa-Drek - Standing in another hell, still alive, one who could only be described as the Devil himself looming in the fire, his close demons gathering.  "This isn't the only world I walk in."

To Yaldabaoth, as Naamah appears with a small army of merc demons, "It's all about balance." 

To the Devil, with another small army led by Lilith, "For one to go down, you both need to go down."

Voiced over as the battles begin, "Ahhh ... the looting rights.  You see these were basic hits.  The one most would call 'The Goddess', was sick of these fools and I could not disagree."

Another pa-Drek sorts through swords in a cave, a large pile of loot amid other trinkets, another pulls a sword from a chapel wall, where apparently those of archangels swords were collected next to their shields (their armor is intrinsic).

Until finally one blocks that of Yaldabaoth, while the devil shatters another.

Devil - "Was that ... ?"

pa-Drek - "Sh."  Another appears in his hand as he circles back to through the lesser demons, pursued.

With each kill among either a dark wisp of a thing appears from the core, like a worm that tries to slither away, pa-Drek always certain to stomp it, sometimes reaching through the body and tearing it from them directly.

pa-Drek - Talking to the guy in the park on another day, "It's about functional analogies.  You try them all and find the ones that work. 

"But it's like the sailors on the sea using star charts based on the false notion that the sun revolved around the Earth.  These are only analogies.  And having tried so many, strangely enough, these are the ones that are working."

"Sailors use the same charts today, because they still work.  They are made from the world looking outward." 

The slaughter of angels behind him, he holds the false god defeated by the throat over his throne.  The Devil's head to the block.

pa-Drek - "Tell me a story.  Make it epic."

Devil - A laugh as the foot grinds his high spine.  "Alright then.  None of this ever really happened, but in the world in which it did, I did encounter Adam and Eve.

"Strolling naked and free.  God's big plan.  They were stupid and hungry.  So I gave them some fruit.  I split it open.  Inside were two seeds.  One dark.  And one skinless white.

"And I said, 'This seed represents evil.  Everything wrong in the world, all your pain you feel as you stumble through the wood.  Danger.  Fear.  Hate.  And this seed, is everything good.  The joy you feel ... in each others arms, feeling so safe and perfect.the cool breeze on your skin under the sun, with bellies full."

He gives them the apples to eat, Eve does.  Then gives Adam a look back to the Devil like he's being rude.

Laughing, "In that moment, I taught them binary mathematics."  Roars into mad laughter, echoing through Heaven as pa-Drek puts his head to the step, "And they've been addicted to numbers ever since !"

He takes both heads, and tears the worm from their chests, absorbing them in each hand at once, and crumples the reality behind God's throne to reveal the hidden chamber.

"Looting rights."

Goddess - Walking with him in his private world, a dark Romanian woods, the train through the mountainside.  "And what else ?"

pa-Drek - "To always be lucky, to always have weed around, and for women to be generally attracted to me."

Goddess - "You know that last part could be like a curse, and it may be intrinsic anyway so long as we keep on like we do."

pa-Drek - "I also know a honeypot can open a lot of doors."

Goddess - Smiles, "Hm.  Agreed.  Just remember they're all me.  And I don't care about the accumulated detritus of dead human gods, I just want them gone.  The human experiment, is over."

pa-Drek - Holding God's final piece to the key, absorbed into his own and completing the sphere.  "Perfect." 

Looks back over his shoulder through the tear in reality at the throne ... dropped in the chapel where the preacher would be, voiced over as he stares at it ~

"But The most important thing to remember, is that none of it is real.  The map, is not the stars."

The chapel doors close, dim light between the swords and shields from the high stained glass of no particular design but their represented colors instead.