~ three

Record store girl - (Oar Folkjokeopus) Looking at a hideous spoken word album from a pile, "Where are you getting these ?"

Actor - "CD converts are selling by the stack.  Suckers."

Records - "Fools.  And look at you ... after these ... " slides his purchase across, "you made five dollars."  Leans forward, "But hey.  These guys might get more expensive soon.  Friend at the label says producer man's at the next concert."

Actor - "Huh."  He slides a record off the top, "I guess I'd better get the metal version while I can then."

Records - "I think ... "She reaches into the case and pulls a heavy ass corrugated steel covered album (iykyk) and drops it on the counter with a 'kachunk', " ... that it is time."

He leaves the shop, followed from a distance by Libra behind her big sunglasses.

The big white ones of the time that cover a lot of the face, fur collar on denim, jet black hair.  She lights a colored cigarette in long tooth clutched holder and keeps following.

~ In the music build Monroe goes to work, becoming her next life, its face unseen.

She follows past the punks piercings and all the tattoos, the coffee shops with each for their own.  Like the one for the Tarantino kids, all greased hair and motorcycles, gingham skirts and bright red lipstick, wall plastered with his visage. scooters on the side.

They had good pie.  A 50's girl takes a bite with a smile.

~ She laces up the skin bodice up her back, nearly as a contortionist sewing backwards and hiding the delicate stitches in the spine-works.

Muddy Waters where the kids in black hung out two blocks away.  Caffetto two blocks from that with the opium den in the basement, pillows and trays, draped enclosures for smokers.

Those were the body mods.  

And into the antique shop, but not like they are in other places or times.

Actor - "Tell me about the shrunken heads."

The owner turns to the wall where they hang with a sly smile, behind it Libra examines the binding of a rare Alice.  She glances up, smiles and puts it back.

He hands him the heads.

Actor - Looks their sockets over and hands back one, "And the lady's Alice."

~ Monroe pulls the skin on like a glove, dressing life over horror.

Libra undresses in the near dark next to him in a small apartment surrounded by artifacts and well bound books.  They do what they do, the last of the song staring into each other eyes, a kiss.

Actor - "Saturday night ?"

Libra - Smiles, "Okay."

Almost giddy they start again, while Monroe starts in on her own ~

Out on window and the next to the city where the first sign of something familiar strikes, a twist of a city while people walking are moved to different destinations.

~ as a twist of a head into a horrifically wrong looking angle in Monroe's hands beneath her.  A stuttered exhale like cold on the breath ... she continues.

Friend - Playing pool again, lining it up.  "I think you get too close."

Actor - "There is no part of me that can tell you you are wrong.  I just can't help loving them all !"  He looks at the cues waiting, "You know what I mean !?"

They nod nervously, "Totally."

Actor - "Besides being a complete sucker only makes it more believable."

Friend - "That you're a complete sucker.  Just don't cry to me later."  Shoots.

Actor - "You know I will.  Hey how about we give these guys a shot, they're looking kind of anxious."

Friend - "Yeah alright."  Stands upright and takes a bind, bouncing the cue around all the balls for nothing.

Cued up - "Yeah thanks."  He looks the mess over with a glance to his partner.

Friend - "No problem." 

He tops off the cue's beer from from his pitcher and pours his own, the player settles in and lines it up ...

Actor - "But I gotta say you've never really fucked until you've banged a serial killer."

Friend - "Agreed."

The player misses the shot.


Player - "God ... DAMN It !  I fucking Hate you guys !"  He snaps the cue over his knee ...then looks at the broken pieces in a red faced rage at what he just did ... "FUCK ! ... Just ... FUCK !"

He throws them down and roars in the Actor's face, the Actor roars back.  Monroe's next victim roars, a security roars roars opening fire on Libra.

Monroe screams ecstasy, the player roars in his face, Libra's victim roars in struggle, the actor roars back at the player.

... the silence, the bar watching ...

Actor - "I'm ... sorry.  You can keep the bet."

Friend - "You owe me half of that."

~ The bar goes back to bar, the blinding light of the afternoon sun at the front door's opening, they shield their eyes in vain ...

The actor's new friend in the nightclub sees Libra approaching with two drinks, looking exactly as she herself did when she killed Libra's father, and recognizes her from the manor.


Monroe - Staring cold, "And who is this ?"


Actor - Pulls the long knife they both recognize and places it on the table.  "Nope !  Who is that ?"  He gestures to the door as the producer walks in with four security.

They look ... wide eyes.

Actor - "I can definitely take them alone.  But I can't guarantee no one else gets hurt, alone."

They look at each other and look at him, then look at the producer looking around, the actor slowly slides the blade underhand. 

Toasts the band as they begin the next song.


The crowd rushes the pit as the producer circles around, bumped from behind by Monroe laughing, the guard pushes her into the mosh, she grabs the producer's collar on the way in.

They slaughter him unnoticed in the mass, cuts here and there with malicious looks and mockery, the guards file in to look for him and then the same for them, all attempts to crawl away trampled.

While they three leave the club together.

Voiced over - "Except maybe fucking two serial killers."



Friend - "Does the second one really count if she may already be dead ?"

Actor - "Hm.  Yeah I guess then she'd be the only one who could say she was doing that."


Other Player - "! FUCK !"  Snapping sound.

Friend - "Ac-tors."

(after credits)

Voiced over after, "There you go.  Now it's holiday special.  Fuck you."