Killer's Take and the Bounty of Thieves

Voiced over black ~ "You mean like an introductory monologue ?"

"I'm an actor playing a role.  Thought it was the role of a lifetime but it turned up written by the director's cousin's nephew's sister's fucking baby daddy and now I'm contractually obligated.  Wedding's next week."  Sound of a smoke.  "They'll make lots of promises.  They always do."

A hand pouring gin in the black, down angled showing the hanging mic and nothing else.

Director - "Will you just fucking say the lines."

Actor - "Yeah.  I'll say your fucking lines."  Sound of a smoke and a drink, the crashing of glass.

Behind the wheel of a 70's car, looking super serious with a smoke in his mouth.  "I'm a cop.  On the mean streets of LA.  Working the case of a lifetime ... or so I thought ... but now ... "

~ The car launches off the cliff.

Actor - "Now I'm not so sure."

~ And explodes.

~ Killer's Take and the Bounty of Thieves ~

The actor at photoshoots and after parties while the character cop montages the opening credits for its show.  He nods off during an award show then at a fashion show, the models walking the credits while he dozes, one smiles walking by.

He nods off in court, then while getting ridden by the model the cop rages on.  A line of cocaine, wide eyes, she smiles behind.

A shootout with the cop, chaotic clips, the song skips with a sound of a projector flipping its tape through as the screen flickers out.  Needle in the arm, it flickers back in, the song goes on to the production credits.

He turns and tosses her a big white bundle on the way to the shower.

~ three days ago ~

The actor walks through the medium high end for the 70's strip club to the table waiting, 'business men' in their gold chains, bodyguards occasionally distracted by the stage.

The man at the center smile (the producer) - "And what did I tell you."

Actor - Sits down, to the waitress.  "Whatever this bad motherfucker right here is having, one for me and one for him."  Places his hand on the tray an a smile, "One of a dying breed,"  Unto her eyes, "Of men who keep their promises.  For you."

He removes his hand showing a small pile of raw gems.

She draws back in concern.

Actor - "Don't worry about it.  Not a drop on them.  Whatever's left after the tab, we'll need a bit of privacy for next hour.  And if you never saw. me I'll see you tonight."

Man in the center - "And Louise."

Actor - Smiles back to the waitress reaching into his pocket.  "And whoever the fuck Louise is on that table right there."  Drops a ruby.

Waitress - "Eight o'clock."

Actor - "That's in an hour."

Director - Off screen, 'Alright cut !"

Actor - As a cop driving, "Always before the good parts.  Truth is, this job turned out to be more than I bargained for ... "


Actor - To off screen, "That's kinda redundant with the opening really."


Director - "Yeah okay."

Actor - A sigh ... "Well fuck it then."  He and the waitress bang hard in a pile of jewels and roses.  "Fucked up thing I love every one of 'em.  Every woman every role ... I love what it takes and I love what it makes.  Even when the critics hate it."

~ He flies through the air looking heroic, turns to the side and winks at his flying dog.

"Even that one.  Fuck it."  She screams beneath him grabbing the rails and he pounds.  "It's all beautiful.  Everything's art.  They even think I'm pretty.  But personally ... "

Cheese-ball thumbs up in a racing suit on the cover of GQ, " ... I don't see it."

The waitress - Looking up at him is sweat just after, arms around his shoulders.  "I do.  I see it."

They kiss to lights out.

Aviators at the coffee shop, waiting for the director who arrives.

Director - "So.  We have a new writer."

Actor - "Jesus Christ.  I told you."

Director - "Naw they ... well they found they other guy in the tub."

Actor - "Jesus Christ.  I'm sorry."

Director - "Ah.  Barely knew 'im."

Actor - "Jesus Christ."  The coffees arrive, he smiles up at her, "Hey."

Drifting in a parachute with his aviators on ~

Actor - Smoke in his mouth as the car blows up in the air behind him, "I'm a cop.  In the mean streets of LA.  But little did I know when I took the job, that the most dangerous case of all, would be a case of love."

Director - "That was perfect."

Actor - "Fuck you."

As the parachute drifts into a cloud ...

He wakes in his bed alone, dresses the action bod that hopefully gets a couple of females into the audience, to the mirror at that that chiseled face.  He checks the jaw as second and shaves it.

"Nope.  I don't see it."

Director - Coffee and bagels, "Well actors are a very insecure lot.  Bent on being anything but themselves."

Actor - "That's very astute Bob.  You take a class ?"

Director - "Look I don't mean you.  You're a special breed.  I mean ... just be nice."

Actor - "What do you mean ?  What happens ?"

Director - "So ... you're going to get your ass kicked."

Tiny woman standing there - Big smile and looking very excited, "Hi !"  Then flying at his head with her foot extended in a dojo gi. "I know Kung Fu !"

Actor - Catches the foot holding it, he looks to the director, "Are you fucking kidding me !?  I am contractually bound, not to get my ass kicked."

Director - "So you wanna call it off then ?  Maybe we get then say ... Hansel Crown ?"

Co-star - Still held impossibly mid-air suddenly getting stars in her eyes, "Hansel ... Crown ... ?"  Goes limp with a sigh, still held in the air.

Actor - "That's just ... you know I hate that fucking guy."

Director - "You only hate him because you fucked his wife."

The co-star perks up, "Ooo."

Actor - "You know she hates that fucking guy."

Director - "Everybody hates that fucking guy."

Co-star - "i don't ... "

Actor - "Fine."

Co-star - "! Yay !"  He drops his hand.  The kick connects in slow mo as he tumbles over and over through the sky ... "Role of a fucking lifetime."