~ three

Space Actor - In the dark and pulling a garrote over a man in bed she whispers, "Say my name ... "

The choking man struggles to do so (it may have started with an M).  She leans an ear in to listen, smiles for the rattle instead.

Space Actor - Sits upright looking at him, "That's right.  That's my name."  A flash of her robe as the turns away, apparently leaping from the bed.

Space Lady - On the UFO bridge, "The space lobsters were nothing."

Soldier Story - "Didn't seem like nothin' to me."

Space Lady - Looks at him.  "You have no idea."  She turns for the smoking console and pulls the panel.  "What we try today will accomplish nothingEveryone who has fought has died."

She slams the panel down and looks at them.

Space Lady - Looks the Soldier last, "We do this not to win, but to die right."

Co-star - "I think you underestimate us."

Space Lady - "I think you overestimate yourselves."

Director - "And ... cut."  To the space lady, "I gotta say ... I had my doubts about you but not anymore.  And ahhh ... so this is our last season."

Literally everyone across cast and crew ~ "What !?"

In the office ~

Director - Lights a cigar, "Oh yeah.  Cancelled big time."  A happy sigh and feet up.


Soldier Actor - "Well you seem all broken up."

Director - ... "I'm sorry are we taking this as bad news ?"

Co-star - "But we just got syndicated !"

Director - "Yeah !  Just in time for residuals galore."  Smokes ... "Hehhh ... but a whole new things comin' and the networks are lovin' it.  It's 'foreign'.  Gonna change everything.  So  !  Ratings down, they gotta make room in the prime time and that's our slot."

They stand there ...

Actor - "So that's it then.  ...  We're free."


They all "! Whoo !" into the next scene ...

Actor - "Well of course it's heartbreaking news for us all.  I mean this show has been our entire lives for ... "

Newshuman - "Seven years."

Actor - "Wow.  Yeah.  Seven years."

Out the viewport they see the gleaming city in space approaching.  Elegant spires beneath a sectioned dome covered in glass, with a populace dressed in their holy robes.

Actor - "What is it ?"

Space Lady - "The future.  The past.  The only answer to all questions ever asked.  The answer is Death."

The actor hits the red button to pop the guns.  Someone among their populace cocks his head a bit confused,holding a cup of coffee, then turns back for his home the the click of a door lock.

So.  There's this thing called 'fan service'.  This me service.  I want to watch a city turn slowly, piece by piece, into a giant fucking robot for four minutes, fuck you.

And so it is.

When the last doors are slammed and locked with the sound of nuisance it begins.  The buildings begin collapsing here, expanding there, the curved architecture become the tone of musculature and working similarly in hydraulics.

The last high rail hover-trains return to station where it immediately begins there on arrival.  Parking lots filled and join in, the last few stragglers running amid the chaos streets for shelter.

When finished the view zooms fast to a tiny window somewhere on his arm where an annoyed alien closes the curtains.

Actor - Staring at a giant eyeball on the viewport, "Oh my God.  He's real it's ... Orson Wells."

Orson Welles - "Formation ... COMPLETION."

Soldier Story - Staring at a portion of the massive bot's eye ... "Why do we never fit with their vehicles ... "