Killer's Take and the Vainglorious Fire

~ after the intermission ~

An actor with face painted silver wearing a lot of armor which is almost kinda cool (almost), dictates to the tiny toy spaceship in his hand very seriously. 

Orson Welles - "Ohhh little humans ... I care for you not.  It is my greatest wish for you that you had not not dwelt upon this world which must die ... but it must."  He looks to the Earth in the distance, "For in its heart, at its very core, burns ... The Vainglorious Fire.  I must have it."

Looks back to the tiny UFO toy, "Your curse, sad species who represents so many more noble than your own, is that your own fire only ever burned because of it, in most foul effigy ... of its truth.

"Your tragedy ... this was never your fault, not even your crimes against yourselves, perhaps in some spark of instance ... here and there ... "  He looks away, " ... even well intended.

"Nonetheless.  Right or wrong.  Good or evil. 

"However a scribe would tell this day if ever you'd had the wisdom to seek the stars and propagate there ... none of this matters anymore, accidental offspring, innocent bastards whored of wisdom itself, by itself, for nothing at all as your world does die today.  Not to punish, but to rectify."

"You have my sympathy."


Space Lady - "Fuck you."

Space Actor - "I improvised that line."

Newshuman - "Nice."

Orson Welles - "Oh !  Well then."  He pops their UFO like a pill and carries on for the Earth.  "And cut."  He lights a cigarette and passes the toy to the intern with a bow, she bows back with a giggle ...

Director - "Uh.  Yeah !  Cut !"  To the rest of the cast watching with, "You see that shit ?  That, was an ac-tor."

Orson Welles - Leaving the set, "I have no idea what is happening."

They run through the daisy field holding hands ...

As they emerge from their crashed UFO somewhere in the urban substructure of Orson Welles ~

Agent Actor ~ The Actor does a line at the party, eyes roll back and falls back in his chair to the crowd's cheer.  The pore camera moves in slowly to enough coke on his hand to make a line.

As she emerges looking around, gun drawn, seeing the populace emerging from the wrecks of other crashed ships.

Agent Co-star
~ Cheers arms up for the pony this year's birthday !

As she limps from the wreckage.

Space Lady ~ Strangling some guy and then stabbing him a lot in a rage.

As he looks at her lovingly.

Soldier Story
~ As he looks at her lovingly while she's playing Pong enraged ...

~ Killer's Take and the Vainglorious Fire ~

And Introducing Burgess Meredith as ...

A creature with the body of a man and torso down of a massive snake rises on his tail with arms flexed in a rage ...


(doesn't actually happen)

The camera moves in on Agent Immortal riding a rearranged Frankentom like a bicycle, Dog Soldier running behind with a leftover part ( ... ).

Immortal - "Faster Frankentom, Faster.  We must get to the general in time !"

Tom groans.

The general walks out of his tent yawning with a cuppa, while in the distant sky a tiny Orson Welles approaches, arms and legs sprawled like he's about to bellyflop the world.

General - Looks around at the camp, a whiff of the air. "God Damn I love the smell of coffee."

Frankenbike skids up with a groan and falls to pieces under Agent Immortal.

Immortal - "Pull yourself together Tom, the General is here."

General - Always straight faced and stoic, "I ... can't believe you just said that."

Immortal - "General.  Thank God you're here ... there's a ... "

General - Orson Welles growing in the background, "Now let me just stop you there.  There's something I've been meaning to tell you."  Takes a sip of his coffee, "God-damn.  Now." 

Clears his throat ... 'Agent Immortal' ... I don't like your program.  Your ... freak-show your ... 'team'."  Another sip watching a squad running near, "Mm.  I don't like our ... dependence, if you will, on it.  And frankly sir I do not like you."  Sips.

"Now what's on your mind son ?"

Immortal - "We clean the up the park afterward what more do you ... no !  This is not why I am here.  Will you please just ... turn around."

General - "Nope."  Sips his coffee and looks to the distance ...

Agent Immortal - Interviewing, "Ohhh ... we go far back, Tom and I ... We fought dem nazis in World War Two.  Just after fighting em in the war to end em all ... ehhh ... back in the days they'd take anyone.  He-he-he ... "

Tom grunts proud, crossing his arms before one falls off.

Newshuman - "That's vaguely disgusting."

Newshuman - In bed between, smoking in the overhead mirror.  "But it does have interesting applications."

Agent Immortal - Back at the interview, smoking.  "Oh Tom ?  Well ... he was a government experiment truth be told.  First soldier of the Continental Congress of these United States !  Before the America part. 

Immortal - "Please !  The fate of the world depends on it !"

General - Orson Welles bellyflop slowly growing behind him, "Not gonna happen."

Fought a bunch a ... pointy hood types before that ... a bunch a ... tea drinkers before that ... that's my boy.  Found 'im sucking a bear's tit in the woods ... never did learn speakin' right."

Tom groans a bit insulted, putting his arm back to be crossed.

Newshuman - "So we're doing this in character then."

Immortal - "What ?"

Newshuman - "So you're a wizard."

General - A sigh.  "Fine."  He turns.  "Dear God it's Orson Welles."

Agent Immortal slaps a sign on his back 'I'm a dumbass'.

Whirls his hand into a fireball overtaking the screen to flames and screaming, fallen camera and melting film of scurrying feet, his an Tom's calmly walking through.

~ A shot of him riding Frankentom as if through space and time.  "He-he-he ... our work here is done."